Hi Simon,

I think the two issues might be related. From what I can tell magit invokes 
some msys utilies at startup such as cygdrive to normalize paths 
https://github.com/magit/magit/issues/2284 . The msys AD issue would affect all 
of these tools and so each of them would be quite slow to run.

I would indeed try the AD fix first and see how the rest behave.

This issue is well documented at the Cygwin FAQ as well 
https://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.using.startup-slow if you’re interested in 
Going on. Basically what it’s saying is that you can cache your user 
information (username etc) locally instead of having it query the server 

If this doesn’t solve the magit problem as well, then try issuing a normal git 
command, if that’s slow as well then run strace on it and it should give
You an idea of what’s taking so long.

Kind Regards,

From: Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs
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