On 2016-08-12 20:31, Ryan Scott wrote:
> On the subject of alternative names, you may be interested in reading
> this section of the DerivingSyntax wiki page [2], which lists other
> names besides "bespoke" and "builtin" that have been tossed around as
> ideas. They include:
> * magic
> * wiredin
> * standard
> * native
> * original
> * specialized

Can we please just go with the obvious "builtin"? There's no need for
willful obscurity here.

Not a native (British) English speaker, but I've consumed a *lot* of UK
media over the last ~25-30 years and I can literally only recall having
heard "bespoke" used *once* and that was in the term "bespoke suit"
where you can sort-of guess its meaning from context. I believe this is
also the only context in which it's actually really used in British
English. (However, I'll let the native (British) English speakers chime
in on that.)


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