Is there a way to see a "log" of activity on an MR? That way, in case I'm 
drowning in email (common occurrence) and just want to get up to speed on a 
given MR, I can get an idea of what's gone on.

What I expected was:

  *   The Discussion tab shows a time-sequenced log of activity
  *   The Changes tab shows topic-focused threads of discussion, each thread 
starting at a line of code.

(This is more or less what Phab did.)

But actually the Discussion tab seems to be no more than a concatenation of the 
threads in the Changes tab, so as Richard says there is no way to see the 
recent changes.

How sad!


From: Richard Eisenberg <>
Sent: 10 January 2019 19:05
To: Ben Gamari <>
Cc: Simon Peyton Jones <>; Evan Laforge 
<>; ghc-devs <>
Subject: Re: Reviews

While we're whinging:

- I'm looking at the Discussion page for an MR 
 and I see a comment Simon made, beginning with "No, I am not!". I wanted a bit 
more context. So I click on the filename above the Discussion and am warped to 
the Changes view 
 But Simon's comment isn't there. Instead, I see a different comment, beginning 
with "In canEqTyVar we now compare kinds...". So I'm lost here.

- Simon recently posted a bunch of comments in response to a bunch of my 
comments. I have a thick stack of emails about each individual comment. But 
when I view the discussion page 
 I can find Simon's comments only buried in the Discussions that I started. 
There appears to be no way to glean, from the web page, what has happened since 
last I looked. Is there a way to see a "log" of activity on an MR? That way, in 
case I'm drowning in email (common occurrence) and just want to get up to speed 
on a given MR, I can get an idea of what's gone on. Now, the thick stack of 
emails seems like the only way to do this.

- Is there a way to get a timestamped list of what discussions are resolved? 
Sometimes it's nice to be able to check that the resolution was what I had 
hoped for.

- The Changes page has a table of contents on the left. This is useful 
sometimes. (In this way, GL beats Phab, where it was sometimes hard to find 
where a certain file is listed when in the middle of a review.) But is there a 
way to collapse the ToC? Most of the time, I'm focused on the code itself, and 
the ToC drastically reduces the number of characters per line, when I view 
diffs side-by-side.


PS: I well remember how phrustrated I was with Phab when that rolled out, and 
how I eventually came to appreciate it. I'm being more patient this time 
around. In retrospect my trouble was more with arcanist than with Phab itself. 
(Arcanist and I never really got along... we just reached an unsteady truce, 
and I won't miss it.) I am happy to be using git as the tool now. But it's 
effortful to figure out efficient workflows in a new space, and I'm grateful 
for any help here. Thanks.

On Jan 10, 2019, at 1:27 PM, Ben Gamari 
<<>> wrote:

Simon Peyton Jones <<>> writes:

|  Another issue is that apparently GitLab still sends one email per comment
|  instead of one comment per batch. This will evidently be fixed in GitLab
|  11.6 [1].

yes that is TERRIBLE.  When does 11.6 land?
It is the next release. I will poke our contact to make sure that they
realize the severity of the issue.

What I want is to have a batch of comments with an overview message.
We used that /all the time/ in Phab! For example:

  I like this patch but you might want to think about X and Y.
  Meanwhile I have added a bunch of detailed comments.

This would fit very well with the "batch of comments in one email" change.
Indeed and upstream agrees. They created a feature request [1] in response
to my suggestion. I'll make sure that I mention this to our GitLab contact.


- Ben


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