Hi Richard,

Thanks for the pointer to constrained type families—that’s helpful to clarify 
some of my thoughts about this, and it is indeed relevant! One example I had in 
my real code seems difficult to express even with constrained type families, 
however; here is a stripped-down version of it:

    type family F a b :: Constraint where
      F '[]        (A _)   = ()
      F (B a ': b) (C c d) = (a ~ c, F b d)

With the above type family, if we have the given `F (B a ': b) c`, we’d really 
like GHC to be able to derive `c ~ C t1 t2` so that the type family can 
continue to reduce, yielding the givens `a ~ t1` and `F b t2`. But we can’t use 
your trick of moving the equality into the RHS because we need to procure two 
fresh unification variables, something we are unable to do. The family is 
simply stuck, and there isn’t much we can do to cajole GHC into believing 

In the above example, what the “superclasses” of F are is much less clear. We 
end up with a few different implications:

    F '[] a         :-  a ~ A t1
    F a (A b)       :-  a ~ '[]
    F (B a ': b) c  :-  c ~ C t1 t2
    F a (C b c)     :-  a ~ (B t1 ': t2)

I don’t know if there is a way to encode those using the constraint language 
available in source Haskell today. If I understand correctly, I don’t think 
they can be expressed using quantified constraints. Maybe it’s more trouble 
than it’s worth, but I find it a little interesting to think about.

Anyway, thank you for the response; I think my original question has been 
answered. :)


> On Dec 29, 2019, at 21:02, Richard Eisenberg <r...@richarde.dev> wrote:
> Hi Alexis,
> I'm not aware of any work in this direction. It's an interesting idea to 
> think about. A few such disconnected thoughts:
> - You could refactor the type family equation to be `F a b = a ~ b`. Then 
> your program would be accepted. And -- assuming the more sophisticated 
> example is also of kind constraint -- any non-linear pattern could be 
> refactored similarly, so perhaps this observation would carry over.
> - If we had constrained type families (paper: 
> https://repository.brynmawr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1075&context=compsci_pubs,
>  proposal:https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/177), you could 
> express a superclass constraint on the enclosing type family, which would 
> likely work very much in the way you would want.

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