> On Jan 6, 2020, at 05:29, Richard Eisenberg <r...@richarde.dev> wrote:
> You're absolutely right that improvement doesn't solve your problem. But 
> what I didn't say is that there is no real reason (I think) that we can't 
> improve improvement to produce givens. This would likely require a change to 
> the coercion language in Core (and thus not to be taken lightly), but if we 
> can identify a class of programs that clearly benefits from that work, it is 
> more likely to happen. The thoughts about improvement were just a very basic 
> proof-of-concept. Sadly, the proof-of-concept failed, so I think a first step 
> in this direction would be to somehow encode these partial improvements, and 
> then work on changing Core. That road seems too long, though, so in the end, 
> I think constrained type families (with superclass constraints) might be a 
> more fruitful direction.

Thanks, this all makes sense to me. I actually went back and re-read the 
injective type families paper after responding to your previous email, and I 
discovered it actually alludes to the issue we’re discussing! At the end of the 
paper, in section 7.3, it provides the following example:

> Could closed type families move beyond injectivity and functional 
> dependencies by applying closed-world reasoning that derives solutions of 
> arbitrary equalities, provided a unique solution exists? Consider this 
> example:
> type family J a where
>   J Int = Char
>   J Bool = Char
>   J Double = Float
> One might reasonably expect that if we wish to prove (J a ∼ Float), we will 
> simplify to (a ∼ Double). Yet GHC does not do this as neither injectivity nor 
> functional dependencies can discover this solution.

This is not quite the same as what we’re talking about here, but it’s clearly 
in the same ballpark.

I think what you’re describing makes a lot of sense, and it would be 
interesting to explore what it would take to encode into core. After thinking a 
little more on the topic, I think that probably makes by far the most sense 
from the core side of things. But I agree it seems like a significant change, 
and I don’t know enough about the formalism to know how difficult it would be 
to prove soundness. (I haven’t done much formal proving of anything!)

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