Quick followup with trace debugging:

On Thu, 27 Feb 2020 at 14:50, Tseen She <ts33n....@gmail.com> wrote:

> > typecheckModule will just use the ParsedSource parseModule produced so it
> > shouldn't do any more file reading.
> This is where I am not so sure. I am fairly certain that something has
> broken in the typechecking line. I will try again with debug tracing to
> confirm what the ParsedSource looks like.

I can confirm that a showPpr on `pm_parsed_source` has the in-memory

But, perhaps, the problem might be that pragmas are not carried over? In my
test the "importsOnly" version of the file is preserving two LANGUAGE
pragmas that are necessary in order to parse the imports section (one of my
tests uses PackageImports). Just a guess, but does 8.8.x now require more
manual passing of the dynflags? This seems like a regression / bug to me
but I'd be willing to workaround it if it is an intentional behaviour
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