
      setTargets [Target (TargetFile "Main.hs" (Just $ Hsc HsSrcFile))
False (Just (stringToStringBuffer buffer, t))]

i.e. an explicit phase.

I will just use Nothing in my TargetFile. Was this an intended change?

On Thu, 27 Feb 2020 at 18:13, Daniel Gröber <> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 03:43:35PM +0000, Tseen She wrote:
> > Sorry for the spam, but I think this is definitely a bug/regression in
> > ghc-8.8.1 (still present in 8.8.3).
> No worries
> > I don't know which commit introduced the problem, but it seems that
> > getModSummary is no longer reporting the correct ms_hspp_opts, at least
> for
> > an in-memory file but it could also be for a file on disk as well (I
> > haven't excluded that as a possibility).
> On a quick testcase I cannot reproduce this behaviour:
>     -- $ ghc -package ghc -package ghc-paths TargetContents.hs
>     module Main where
>     import GHC
>     import GHC.Paths (libdir)
>     import MonadUtils
>     import DynFlags
>     import StringBuffer
>     import Data.Time.Clock
>     main :: IO ()
>     main = do
>       defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do
>         runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
>           dflags0 <- getSessionDynFlags
>           (dflags1, _, _)
>               <- parseDynamicFlags dflags0 $ map noLoc ["-package", "base"]
>           _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags1
>           t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
>           setTargets [Target (TargetFile "Main.hs" Nothing) False (Just
> (stringToStringBuffer buffer, t)) ]
>           _ <- depanal [] False
>           ms <- getModSummary (mkModuleName "Main")
>           pm <- parseModule ms
>           liftIO $ print $ extensions $ ms_hspp_opts ms
>           _ <- typecheckModule pm
>           return ()
>     buffer = "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}\nimport \"base\"
> Data.List\nmain = return ()"
> Running it it prints the PackageImports ext from the in-memory buffer just
> fine:
>     $ ghc-8.8.1 -package ghc -package ghc-paths TargetContents.hs
>     $ ./TargetContents
>     [On PackageImports]
> One change in behaviour to note is that when doing this with <8.8 we first
> need to create the Main.hs file so GHC doesn't complain about it missing.
> Maybe you can fiddle with the test case until it reflects what you're
> doing?
> --Daniel
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