I'm currently trying to bring my company around to using a bit of Haskell.
One issue is that a number of our clients are based in South East Asia and
need software that runs on Windows XP.

Unfortunately it seems the last version of GHC that produces executables
that run on Windows XP is GHC 7.10. Whilst this table
<https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/platforms/windows> suggests the
issue may only running GHC 8.0+ on Windows XP, I've confirmed that GHC 8.0
executables (even "Hello World") will not run on Windows XP, presumably
because a non-XP WinAPI call in the runtime.

My first thought would be to restrict myself to GHC 7.10 features (i.e.
2015). This would be a slight annoyance but GHC 7.10 still presents a
reasonable language. But my concern would be that increasingly I'll run
into issues with libraries that use extensions post GHC 7.10, particularly
libraries with large dependency lists.

So there's a few options I've considered at this point:

1. Use GHCJS to compile to Javascript, and then dig out a version of NodeJS
that runs on Windows XP. GHCJS seems to at least have a compiler based on
GHC 8.6.
2. Patch GHC with an additional command line argument to produce XP/Vista
compatible executables, perhaps by looking at the changes between 7.10 ->
8.0, and re-introducing the XP approach as an option.

The issue with 1 is that is that as well as being limited by how up to date
GHCJS is, this will increase install size, memory usage and decrease
performance on Windows XP machines, which are often in our environments
quite old and resource and memory constrained.

Approach 2 is something I'd be willing to put some work into if it was
practical, but my thought is that XP support was removed for a reason,
presumably by using newer WinAPI functions simplified things significantly.
By re-adding in XP support I'd be complicating GHC once again, and GHC will
effectively have to maintain two approaches. In addition, in the long term,
whenever a new WinAPI call is added one would now have to check whether
it's available in Windows XP, and if it's not produce a Windows XP
equivalent. That might seem like just an extra burden of support for
already busy GHC developers. But on the other hand, if the GHC devs would
be happy to merge a patch and keep up XP support this would be the cleanest

But then I had a thought. If GHC Core isn't supposed to change much between
versions is it? Which made me come up with these approaches:

3. Hack up a script to compile programs using GHC 9 to Core, then feed that
Core output into GHC 7.10. OR
4. Produce a chimera style GHC by importing the GHC 9.0 API and the GHC
7.10 API, and making a version of GHC that does Haskell -> Core in GHC 9.0
and the rest of the code generation in GHC 7.10.

One issue with 4 will be that presumably that because I'm importing GHC 9.0
API and the 7.10 API separately, all their data types will technically be
separate, so I'll need to basically deep copy the GHC 9.0 core datatype
(and perhaps others) to GHC 7.10 datatypes. But presuming their largely
similar this should be fairly mechanical.

So are any of these approaches (well, particularly 2 and 4) reasonable? Or
am I going to run into big problems with either of them? Is there another
approach I haven't thought of?

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