This link gives some (old) background

From: ghc-devs <> On Behalf Of Moritz Angermann
Sent: 26 March 2021 08:00
To: Clinton Mead <>
Cc: ghc-devs <>
Subject: Re: Options for targeting Windows XP?

I believe there is a bit of misconception about what requires a new backend or 
not. GHC is a bunch of different intermediate representations from which one 
can take off to build backends. The STG, or Cmm ones are the most popular. All 
our Native Code Generators and the LLVM code gen take off from the Cmm one. 
Whether or not that is the correct input representation for your target largely 
depends on the target and design of the codegenerator. GHCJS takes off from 
STG, and so does Csaba's GRIN work via the external STG I believe. IIRC 
Asterius takes off from Cmm. I don't remember the details about Eta.

Why fork? Do you want to deal with GHC, and GHC's development? If not, fork. Do 
you want to have to keep up with GHC's development? Maybe not fork. Do you 
think your compiler can stand on it's own and doesn't follow GHC much, except 
for being a haskell compiler? By all means fork.

Eta is a bit special here, Eta forked off, and basically started customising 
their Haskell compiler specifically to the JVM, and this also allowed them to 
make radical changes to GHC, which would not have been permissible in the 
mainline GHC. (Mainline GHC tries to support multiple platforms and 
architectures at all times, breaking any of them isn't really an option that 
can be taken lightheartedly.) Eta also started having Etlas, a custom Cabal, 
... I'd still like to see a lot from Eta and the ecosystem be re-integrated 
into GHC. There have to be good ideas there that can be brought back. It just 
needs someone to go look and do the work.

GHCJS is being aligned more with GHC right now precisely to eventually 
re-integrate it with GHC.

Asterius went down the same path, likely inspired by GHCJS, but I think I was 
able to convince the author that eventual upstreaming should be the goal and 
the project should try to stay as close as possible to GHC for that reason.

Now if you consider adding a codegen backend, this can be done, but again 
depends on your exact target. I'd love to see a CLR target, yet I don't know 
enough about CLR to give informed suggestions here.

If you have a toolchain that functions sufficiently similar to a stock c 
toolchain, (or you can make your toolchain look sufficiently similar to one, 
easily), most of it will just work. If you can separate your building into 
compilation of source to some form of object code, and some form of object code 
aggregates (archives), and some form of linking (objects and archives into 
shared objects, or executables), you can likely plug in your toolchain into GHC 
(and Cabal), and have it work, once you taught GHC how to produce your target 
languages object code.

If your toolchain does stuff differently, a bit more work is involved in 
teaching GHC (and Cabal) about that.

This all only gives you *haskell* though. You still need the Runtime System. If 
you have a C -> Target compiler, you can try to re-use GHC's RTS. This is what 
the WebGHC project did. They re-used GHC's RTS, and implemented a shim for 
linux syscalls, so that they can emulate enough to have the RTS think it's 
running on some musl like linux. You most likely want something proper here 
eventually; but this might be a first stab at it to get something working.

Next you'll have to deal with c-bits. Haskell Packages that link against C 
parts. This is going to be challenging, not impossible but challenging as much 
of the haskell ecosystem expects the ability to compile C files and use those 
for low level system interaction.

You can use hackage overlays to build a set of patched packages, once you have 
your codegen working. At that point you could start patching ecosystem packages 
to work on your target, until your changes are upstreamed, and provide your 
user with a hackage overlay (essentially hackage + patches for specific 

Hope this helps.

You'll find most of us on<>

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 1:29 PM Clinton Mead 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks again for the detailed reply Ben.

I guess the other dream of mine is to give GHC a .NET backend. For my problem 
it would be the ideal solution, but it looks like other attempts in this regard 
(e.g. Eta, GHCJS etc) seem to have difficulty keeping up with updates to GHC. 
So I'm sure it's not trivial.

It would be quite lovely though if I could generate .NET + Java + even Python 
bytecode from GHC.

Whilst not solving my immediate problem, perhaps my efforts are best spent in 
giving GHC a plugin architecture for backends (or if one already exists?) 
trying to make a .NET backend.

I believe "Csaba Hruska" is working in this space with GRIN, yes?

I read SPJs paper on Implementing Lazy Functional Languages on Stock Hardware: 
The Spineless Tagless 
 which implemented STG in C and whilst it wasn't trivial, it didn't seem 
stupendously complex (even I managed to roughly follow it). I thought to myself 
also, implementing this in .NET would be even easier because I can hand off 
garbage collection to the .NET runtime so there's one less thing to worry 
about. I also, initially, don't care _too_ much about performance.

Of course, there's probably a whole bunch of nuance. One actually needs to, for 
example, represent all the complexities of GADTs into object orientated 
classes, maybe converting sum types to inheritance hierarchies with Visitor 
Patterns. And also you'd actually have to make sure to do one's best to ensure 
exposed Haskell functions look like something sensible.

So I guess, given I have a bit of an interest here, what would be the best 
approach if I wanted to help GHC develop more backends and into an architecture 
where people can add backends without forking GHC? Where could I start helping 
that effort? Should I contact "Csaba Hruska" and get involved in GRIN? Or is 
there something that I can start working on in GHC proper?

Considering that I've been playing around with Haskell since 2002, and I'd like 
to actually get paid to write it at some point in my career, and I have an 
interest in this area, perhaps this is a good place to start, and actually 
helping to develop a pluggable backend architecture for GHC may be more useful 
for more people over the long term than trying to hack up an existing GHC to 
support 32 bit Windows XP, a battle I suspect will have to be refought every 
time a new GHC version is released given the current structure of GHC.

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 1:34 PM Ben Gamari 
<<>> wrote:
Clinton Mead <<>> writes:

> Thanks all for your replies. Just going through what Ben has said step by
> step:
> My sense is that if you don't need the threaded runtime system it would
>> probably be easiest to just try to make a modern GHC run on Windows XP.
> Happy to run non-threaded runtime. A good chunk of these machines will be
> single or dual core anyway.
That indeed somewhat simplifies things.

>> As Tamar suggested, it likely not easy, but also not impossible. WinIO
>> is indeed problematic, but thankfully the old MIO IO manager is still
>> around (and will be in 9.2).
> "Is still around"? As in it's in the code base and just dead code, or can I
> trigger GHC to use the old IO manager with a GHC option?
> The possible reasons for Windows XP incompatibility that I can think of
>> off the top of my head are:
>>  * Timers (we now use QueryPerformanceCounter)
> This page suggests that QueryPerformanceCounter
> <<>>
> should
> run on XP. Is this incorrect?
It's supported, but there are caveats [1] that make it unreliable as a 

>>  * Big-PE support, which is very much necessary for profiled builds
> I don't really need profiled builds

Alright, then you *probably* won't be affected by PE's symbol limit.

>>  * Long file path support (mostly a build-time consideration as Haskell
>>    build systems tend to produce very long paths)
> I don't need to build on Windows XP either. I just need to run on Windows
> XP so hopefully this won't be an issue. Although if GHC was modified for
> long file path support so it could build itself with long file path support
> presumably it will affect everything else it builds also.
If you don't need to build on XP then I suspect this won't affect you.

>> There may be others, but I would start looking there. I am happy to
>> answer any questions that might arise.
> I'm guessing the way forward here might be a patch with two options:
> 1. -no-long-path-support/-long-path-support (default -long-path-support)
> 2. -winxp
> The winxp option shall:
> - Require -no-long-path-support
> - Conflicts with -threaded
> - Conflicts with profiled builds
> - Uses the old IO manager (I'm not sure if this is an option or how this is
> done).
The old IO manager is still the default, although this will likely
change in 9.2.

> What do you think (roughly speaking)?

Yes, that is essentially correct. I would probably start by trying to
run a 32-bit GHC build on Windows XP under gdb and see where
things fall over.


- Ben
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