On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 08:54:31PM -0500, Dan Clemmensen wrote:
> I thought of that. In the origional code, the instantiation connects
> clk2x to a signal named tclock, which in turn is connected to clk_fb
> and to nothing else. Just in case, I broke the connection from tclock
> to clk_fb, so clk2x is in effect connected to nothing externally. My
> "project" is now stripped down to a single VHDL file named mytb.vhd,
> plus the copied and stripped version of DCM.vhd, but it still exhibits
> the problem.
> This leads back to the original question: how do I debug this? I don't
> know ADA or VHDL very well, but I do know the GCC tools and their
> internals.


there are some debug options that may help you (--trace-signals, --disp-time).
You can also send me the simplified design and I can investigate.


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