On Tue, 2015-11-24 at 14:15 +0100, Simon Thijs de Feber wrote:
> gnat version is 4.8.2
> gcc version is also 4.8.2

OK Thanks. I forgot to ask : is it the gcc version you're building?
Using which version of the gcc sources?

> However I try to build against 4.9.2

ah ... you mean against 4.9.2 sources, with the 4.8.2 compiler?

When I last worked on it there used to be a #define in ortho-lang.c to
switch between gcc-4.8 and 4.9 (sources, should be OK with either
compiler), but I don't think it affected this file. 

It's possible this version hasn't been tested with gcc4.8.2 as the compiler. Is 
4.9 available for your distro?

Alternatively, the "Libre" Gnat/gcc 2015 from Adacore is known to work 
elsewhere, if you're willing to download it.

Thanks for the report.

-- Brian

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