On Tue, 2015-11-24 at 15:03 +0100, Simon Thijs de Feber wrote:
> libre gnat gcc is available for 64-bit linux machines only.
> I am still working :( on a 32-bit machine.

My apologies, I did not realise that!

So there appear to be two possible contributors to the build failure :
gcc4.8 as the compiler, and 32-bitness. We can eliminate one of these
using gcc4.9.

If gcc4.9.2 is not available for the distro, one option is to build it
from source (configure with --enable-languages=ada,c,c++ and --enable-
bootstrap) and use the result to build ghdl (with --enable-
languages=vhdl) but this is a slow process.

-- Brian

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