On 07/03/2016 11:20 AM, Jonas Baggett wrote:
> Hello,
> I had some more thoughs on the signal selection for the waveform, and I
> made an example of a wave signal file (is there a better english therm
> for that ?) that reflects them :

Have you considered embedding a Tcl interpreter?


"In the early 1980s John Ousterhout, then at the University of
California at Berkeley, was working with a group that developed hardware
design tools. They found that they kept inventing a new scripting
language with each new tool they developed. It was always added as an
afterthought and poorly implemented. John decided to create a
general-purpose scripting language that could be reused when developing
new tools. He called the language Tcl, for tool command language."

*** http://jim.tcl.tk/ ***

"...an opensource small-footprint implementation of the Tcl programming


"...to provide a powerful language implemented in roughly 10k lines of
code. ...is designed to be easily embedded in applications as a
scripting language or configuration file syntax without depending on
external libraries or other big systems."

"...written in portable ANSI-C, and is very small both in both binary
size and memory requirements."

In addition to configuration file parsing/interpretation, this approach
also brings the possibility of having: an interactive shell to control
and monitor the simulation; scripted interaction with the host system
(e.g., Linux) and other applications.

...something worth considering, IMHO.

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