
also requested by some users: possibility to suspend and resume dumps.


----- Mail original -----
> Hello,
> So here is an updated roadmap for signal selection in wave.
> + When the wave option file given to the command line doesn't exist,
>      it should be created with all the signals of the design.
> + Version 1.1 :
>       - Simple wildcards (/top/sub1/*, /top/sub*/*)
>       - Double wildcards (/top/**, top/sub*/**, top/*/**)
> + Version 1.2 :
>       - Simple regexp (top/sub[1-3]/sig[a-z])
>       - Negation (! top/sub2/sigk)
> + Signals in shared memory (as suggested by René)
> + Version 1.3 :
>       - Selecting element in an array (/top/sub3/my_array(5))
>       - Selecting element in a record (/top/sub3/my_record.field)
> + Version 1.4 :
>       - Selection of port and architecture signals
>       (top/sub1/arch/*:port
> and top/sub1/arch/*:architecture)
> + When possible :
>       - gtkwave used as a library ?
> Thanks for your comments.
> Jonas
> Le 26. 07. 16 à 22:42, René Doß a écrit :
> >
> > Am 25.07.2016 um 21:09 schrieb Jonas Baggett:
> >> Hello Rene,
> >>
> >> That's an interesting feature for long simulations, thanks for the
> >> information.
> > I have missed this feature, as I wrote some state machines. Often I
> > had
> > a state and waiting for for a condition that never come. I could
> > stop my
> > simulation earlier.
> >
> >> Do you also know if gtkwave could be used as a library ?
> > I do not know this. I think not. The source code is open source.
> >
> >> So that ghdl could directly launch gtkwave and add signals to it
> >> and
> >> then when the user makes some changes in gtkwave and save them,
> >> ghdl
> >> will be able to receive these changes.
> >>
> > You want a use gtkwave as manipulator. Interesting idea.
> > This is total new feature. great idea.
> >
> > René
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> Jonas
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 24. 07. 16 à 15:26, Rene Doss a écrit :
> >>>>> Tell me if you have any suggestion.
> >>> yes I have something, but I do not know if this the correct
> >>> discussion
> >>> round.
> >>>
> >>> I say something what I have seen for long time. This information
> >>> is from
> >>> my deeper brain.
> >>>
> >>> Gtkwave has included shared memory functions. (I think it is only
> >>> possible under linux)
> >>> If ghdl can store the signal in a shared memory the current
> >>> signals can
> >>> be refreshed by gtkwave directly into the screen. This is
> >>> interacting
> >>> process. The use can follow the simulation online.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Rene
> >>>
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