Hallo Patrick,

Ja ich benutze auch GHDL in meiner CPU.
 Bin aber nicht auf einem Project hub vertreten.
alles auf der  Homepage.

Am 22.02.2017 um 04:37 schrieb Patrick Lehmann:
> Hello,
> user 1138-4EB currently creates a reworked, restructured and extended
> version of GHDL’s documentation.
> He added a section: “Who uses GHDL?”
> Here is an early preview:
> He created Shields (https://www.shields.io) to the project
> hub/repository and to the main documentation. A project name and
> a brief description is also presented per project.
> Are there any other users using GHDL?
> ------
> Another upcoming feature is that we want to ease regression testing
> with GHDL. PoC and VUnit already use locally GHDL builds
> on Travis-CI to test their VHDL code. User 1138-4EB also created a set
> of Docker containers, which work on Travis-CI. So using
> GHDL on Travis will be easier in the future.
> ------
> I’m working on building GHDL with GCC backend on AppVeyor (free
> Windows build system),Travis-CI is planned for the future,
> to provide GHDL with GCC backend for Windows (MinGW32/MinGW64). This
> will further allow code coverage collection on
> AppVeyor and Travis-CI.
> Has anyone experience with the Coveralls API to report user defined
> coverage data from Travis to Coveralls?
> Kind regards
>     Patrick Lehmann
> -----------------------------------
> Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
> Technische Universität Dresden
> Fakultät Informatik
> Institut für Technische Informatik
> Lehrstuhl VLSI-Entwurfssysteme, Diagnostik und Architektur
> 01062 Dresden
> Tel.:   +49 351 463-38451
> Fax:    +49 351 463-38324
> Raum:   APB-1020
> E-Mail: patrick.lehm...@tu-dresden.de
> <mailto:patrick.lehm...@tu-dresden.de>
> WWW:    http://vlsi-eda.inf.tu-dresden.de
> <http://vlsi-eda.inf.tu-dresden.de/>
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