Nice idea.

I think the slash across the eye serves a purpose: it conceptually
differentiates that icon from the other eye icons, indicating that those
layers are part of a group.

At least for me, the eye-with-slash allows for faster recognition of that

I did some experimenting with your mock-up image.

Below is an image of 50% opacity and 50% dither with a solid grey line. I
found dithering the dash made the icon not look very much like an eye. (I
didn't test out making it opaque.)

I think I'm leaning more towards the 50% opacity with the line through it
than the 50% dither with the line through it (simply because the icon is
clearer), but both are pretty good.

[image: Inline image 1]

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:12 AM, Richard Gitschlag <> wrote:

>  Very tempted to file this one on GNOME already, but going to check here
> first in case I missed something (e.g. is it configurable?) .
> When you hide a layer group in GIMP 2.8, all items inside it get a new
> eye-with-slash icon to indicate that they are visible individually but
> hidden as a group.
> This icon is . . . too visible.  It needs to be something LESS visible
> than the normal eye icon.
> Attached is a mockup of what some alternate icons can look like.  One uses
> a 50% opacity, and another uses a 50% dither.  (Myself, I prefer the dither
> look.)
> Response?
> -- Stratadrake
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> Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.
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