On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Michael Natterer wrote:

On my monitor, your 50% opacity version looks hardly
> different from full opacity, and the dithered version
> is not exactly obviously different when quickly looked
> at it.
> I don't see how going from something that is clearly
> distinguishable to something that is hardly different
> from a visible icon is any improvement of usability.

How the icon looks on different monitors is indeed a consideration and
probably a good reason to have the line over the eye icon. (Though the eye
can still be 50% dithered or opaque.)

At least on my monitor, the 50% opacity or dithered look visually conveys
that those layers are "in the background." It feels good to me.

An important part of this conversation is that people process visual
information differently (we don't all see the same thing), so that may
account for the difference in preference that crops up.

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Michael Natterer <mi...@gimp.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 2012-05-27 at 10:12 -0700, Richard Gitschlag wrote:
> > Very tempted to file this one on GNOME already, but going to check here
> first in case I missed something (e.g. is it configurable?) .
> >
> > When you hide a layer group in GIMP 2.8, all items inside it get a new
> eye-with-slash icon to indicate that they are visible individually but
> hidden as a group.
> >
> > This icon is . . . too visible.  It needs to be something LESS visible
> than the normal eye icon.
> >
> > Attached is a mockup of what some alternate icons can look like.  One
> uses a 50% opacity, and another uses a 50% dither.  (Myself, I prefer the
> dither look.)
> >
> > Response?
> How exactly is that better?
> On my monitor, your 50% opacity version looks hardly
> different from full opacity, and the dithered version
> is not exactly obviously different when quickly looked
> at it.
> I don't see how going from something that is clearly
> distinguishable to something that is hardly different
> from a visible icon is any improvement of usability.
> Regaeds,
> --mitch
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