
I am a teacher in sweden, and i just want to say thank you for the great work 
you do.
Me, and the people i know who work with art in school (I work with the age 
12-15).. are so happy that gimp exist.
Since we have no budget to buy programs to the kids computers, Gimp saves many 
art teachers work.

There is a school law that says that the kids have to learn picture 
manipulating programs in school, so without gimp, i think many teacher
wouldt be able to complete their mission as teachers.

I just want you to know, how important your work is. It i not only a "fun 
tool"… it is necessary. The kids learn how to work with pictures. They also 
understand better how media fools us with adds on skinny girls and perfect 
skins. This makes them feel better about them selves and they become more 
critical to pictures they meet in real life and in media. (Also the kids love 
to work with gimp.)

I am an advanced user of photoshop, and i never thought it would be possible to 
teach something that close to photoshop to my students.

Also you do an excellent job on developing the program. =)

I am going to donate the little money i have left this year on the art-school 
budget, if i am allowed to do so.  =) And i am going to tell the art teacher 
colleagues i know on our internet page, to do the same. You deserve that.

I wish you all a great day, week, year.. and so on. Hug each other and 
celebrate yourself.

And when you have a bad day, think of us, struggling teachers in sweden, which 
have an easier job, thanks to you.


Cecilia Gertenrehn, Bild, Fäladsgården

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