On Mon, 2012-10-22 at 14:30 +0000, Gertenrehn, Cecilia wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a teacher in sweden, and i just want to say thank you for the great work 
> you do.
> Me, and the people i know who work with art in school (I work with the age 
> 12-15).. are so happy that gimp exist.
> Since we have no budget to buy programs to the kids computers, Gimp saves 
> many art teachers work.
> There is a school law that says that the kids have to learn picture 
> manipulating programs in school, so without gimp, i think many teacher
> wouldt be able to complete their mission as teachers.
> I just want you to know, how important your work is. It i not only a "fun 
> tool"… it is necessary. The kids learn how to work with pictures. They also 
> understand better how media fools us with adds on skinny girls and perfect 
> skins. This makes them feel better about them selves and they become more 
> critical to pictures they meet in real life and in media. (Also the kids love 
> to work with gimp.)
> I am an advanced user of photoshop, and i never thought it would be possible 
> to teach something that close to photoshop to my students.
> Also you do an excellent job on developing the program. =)
> I am going to donate the little money i have left this year on the art-school 
> budget, if i am allowed to do so.  =) And i am going to tell the art teacher 
> colleagues i know on our internet page, to do the same. You deserve that.
> I wish you all a great day, week, year.. and so on. Hug each other and 
> celebrate yourself.
> And when you have a bad day, think of us, struggling teachers in sweden, 
> which have an easier job, thanks to you.

Thank you Cecilia, we are all collectively blushing!

It's really nice to get mail like this, in between all the
complaints :) About the donation, that would of course be
appreciated, but if you can spend it on something else that's
useful for the kids, go ahead and do that instead :)

Regards from the GIMP team,

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