On Thu, 2018-08-23 at 11:47 -0400, Paka wrote:
> > 
> > Is freenode even related to irc.gimp.org?
> no, not "related".  freenode provides irc service connections and I
> can
> access #gimp from there.

You are accessing an entirely different #gimp.

The #gimp on freenode is not the same as the #gimp on irc.freenode.net,
they are as different as www.gimp.org and www.freenode.net, run by
different people, different physical computers, etc etc.

> > Does freenode handle all nick registrations?
> as far as I know

Only for freenode. You have to register separately with NickServ on the
GIMP network.

But the message about invite-only is not the same as Freenode requiring
that you are logged in (identified) to a registered username (nick).

For freenode's #gimp you have to be using a nick registered on
freenode, and identified to nickserv, e.g. with
   /nickserv id you-password-here
before you join.

On the GIMP network yes, also identify to NickServ in the same way,
using the password for gimpnet, but if #gimp is invite-only you can
either follow the instructions you were given to use /knock, or message
someone whose nick you know, or try #gimp-users and see if there's
anyone around, or try in a little while.

The channel is indeed invite-only on gimpnet right now.

liam (slave ankh)

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