On Fri, 2018-08-24 at 09:36 -0400, Elle Stone wrote:
> What, exactly, do I type to join #gimp and at the same time identify
> myself?

(1) to identify yourelf (to log in, basically)
/nickserv identify your-password-here

If chatzilla says no such command nickserv, use
/msg nickserv identify your-password-here
but this is not secure (if for some reason the real nickserv is down,
someone else might use that nick and receive your password in clear

Obviously, use your gimpnet IRC password, not you-password-here. Unless
you actually used your-password-here as your gimpnet password :) :)

(2) to join #gimp
/j #gimp
/join #gimp

slave ankh (Liam)

Liam Quin - web slave for https://www.fromoldbooks.org/

Click here to have the slave beaten.

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