I am running Krusader under Xubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

I can click and Ctl-c on a file to paste the complete path to the file into an 
editor window, I can paste the whole file if I Strg-v it in a file manager. I 
can copy pictures from one application to another by copy/paste.

I have never heard before about clipboard managers and just googled for that 
keyword to look if any of the names associated with one of the findings is 
installed on my computer:

clipit, copyq, diodon, gpaste, glipper, klipper, qlipper, parcellite, 
xfce4-clipman, xclip and xsel are not installed on my computer.

there is no sequence "clip" in the output of dpkg -l.

Am 04.05.20 um 02:51 schrieb Ofnuts:
> On 03/05/2020 20:07, Liam R E Quin wrote:
>> On Sun, 2020-05-03 at 19:17 +0200, Adalbert Hanßen wrote:
>>> Whatreally annoys me is that it takes almost a minute for Gimp to tell
>>> me that there is no image on the clipboard.
>> Is this under GNOME 3? or KDE/plasma? Do you have a clipboard manager
>> running?
>> ...

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Dipl.-Math. Adalbert Hanßen
Elsterweg 4
73434 Aalen

Tel: +49 7361 5280 947
Fax: +49 7361 9750 831

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