On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Sven Neumann wrote:

> If the bookmarks list has the keyboard focus (which it shouldn't have
> initially), then you can of course use typeahead on the bookmarks
> list.


> Not sure what "fix" you are referring to but this seems to be some kind
> of rumour.

I couldn't find the mail now but I think someone in the thread said that 
typeahead now worked in the open dialog no matter what widget in it had 
the focus. Not important anyway, this problem is fixed as far as I 

Just for fun I put in an enhancement "bug" in the gtk bugzilla for making
the type ahead in the file dialog specialized for paths. So that you can
type "bar/foo" in it and jump directly to that sub directory. "bar/foo" is
not an entry in the current list view, just "bar" is in this example so it
would not work with normal type ahead. But making the type ahead
specialized for paths in the file dialog is as I described it before a 
good idea to me.

I don't really expect it to change anything, but maybe one could get some
comment from the gtk+ developers about the idea.


And if you guys want to add anything to the bug, please be polite and 
don't make it into a flame-bug :-)


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