Paolo Magnoli writes:
 > Hi, I've put up a file with that line only in it and tried to compile it, I
 > got the same error:
 > /mingw/include/unistd.h:13:27: no include path in which to search for
 > unistd.h

There must be something broken in your mingw installation. I have
never seen that message myself, but some googling leads me to believe
it is related to the #include_next directive? Does your unistd.h (the
file d:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/unistd.h,
i.e. d:/mingw/include/unistd.h) on line 13 have an #include_next
directive? (That's funny, as I too have gcc 3.4.2, but my unistd.h
does not contain any #include_next.)

If you can't find any other solution, my suggestion is removing all of
mingw and re-install...


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