Hi all,

I agree that we should first merge the GSOC code from this year before
we start thinking of a new segmenter. Let me know if you need any
help. However, I think both a graph-cut-based segmenter and SIOX could
have a place in GIMP side-by-side. Graphcut-based segmenters and SIOX
have different complementary properties. It is going to be a GUI
challenge though because it requires expert knowledge to know when to
use which.

Thiago: I can give you a couple of pictures that you should try with
your segmenter and then compare against SIOX... especially those with
a lot of texture and semi-transparent layers. The new version of SIOX
can cope with them very well. Graph-based segmentation algorithms
can't because they look for a minimum cut, which is a problem because
especially those highly complicated pictures require a lot of time to
do manually.

Dr. Gerald Friedland
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600
CA-94704 Berkeley, USA

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Thiago Spina <thiago.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys, sorry about the delay. It's been a bit of a busy week.
> On 21 February 2010 14:05, Sven Neumann <s...@gimp.org> wrote:
>> Did you compare against SIOX as in the master branch or against the
>> improved version that resulted from last year's GSoC ? It would also be
>> interesting if you could benchmark your algorithm using the benchmark
>> proposed in "GrabCut": interactive foreground extraction using iterated
>> graph cuts" published in the Proceedings of the 2004 SIGGRAPH
>> Conference. There's a Python script shipped with the GIMP source code
>>  that does this with the SIOX tool.
> I compared against both branches and the results were about the same.
> Regarding the benchmark, on the papers that I mentioned in my first email
> [1,2] we used the whole GrabCut segmentation dataset considering the
> F-measure over the groundtruths (because our approach does not use trimaps).
> The accuracy result was of over 98% on every paper. In fact, on another work
> [3] seven users segmented a subset with 20 images from the GrabCut dataset,
> using different pattern classifiers for one stage of our framework, and the
> results were still above 97.7%. Also, we used the average number of drawn
> markers as an indication of user interaction, and part of our current
> approach (described in [2]) required about 5 markers in average (foreground
> + background). We are currently working on a paper to detail our  final
> framework, because what was proposed on [2] was further improved to make
> user interaction even more effective and simple, while maintaining the
> segmentation quality.
> I made a video comparing what I am going to implement for GIMP (currently on
> our research software) and the soc-2009-siox-drb branch, which can be seen
> here: http://vimeo.com/9803589. In my comparison, I used two images from the
> GrabCut dataset and one from the Berkeley dataset [4] that present
> increasing degree of difficulty. I believe that the foreground selection
> tool requires a lot more user interaction for most common images, because it
> usually does not handle well cases where foreground and background have
> similar texture/color (as pointed out on the SIOX paper).
>> In my opinion we should at this point concentrate on merging last year's
>> work on the SIOX tool. If we start to add other segmentation methods
>> before this work is merged, then it will become very difficult to ever
>> get the soc-2009-siox-drb branch merged.
> I agree that it should be a concern to merge that branch, but I think my
> framework could be released as a minor version in the future. So, it would
> be nice to have GSoC support for that.
> [1] - http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1700473
> [2] - http://www.springerlink.com/content/7415482725175nm7/
> [3] - Spina, T. V.; Montoya-Zegarra, J. A.; Andrijauskas, F.; Faria, F. A.;
>  Zampieri, C. E. A.; Pinto-Cáceres, S. M.; Carvalho, T. J. and Falcão,  A.
> X. "A comparative study among pattern classifiers in interactive image
> segmentation". Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and
>   Image Processing, 22 (SIBGRAPI), Oct 2009, IEEE. To appear in IEEE Xplore.
> [4] - http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/bsds/
> --
> Thiago Vallin Spina
> MSc student
> Laboratory of Visual Informatics
> Institute of Computing -- Unicamp
> www.liv.ic.unicamp.br
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