Hello, Gerald.

On 1 March 2010 19:57, Gerald Friedland <frac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,

> I agree that we should first merge the GSOC code from this year before
> we start thinking of a new segmenter. Let me know if you need any
> help. However, I think both a graph-cut-based segmenter and SIOX could
> have a place in GIMP side-by-side. Graphcut-based segmenters and SIOX
> have different complementary properties. It is going to be a GUI
> challenge though because it requires expert knowledge to know when to
>  use which.

I do believe that using both algorithms could be a nice solution. In fact,
it was my original proposal and I am willing to try to merge both methods.

> Thiago: I can give you a couple of pictures that you should try with
> your segmenter and then compare against SIOX... especially those with
> a lot of texture and semi-transparent layers. The new version of SIOX
> can cope with them very well. Graph-based segmentation algorithms
> can't because they look for a minimum cut, which is a problem because
> especially those highly complicated pictures require a lot of time to
>  do manually.

I would be very glad if you could provide me some of these examples, because
it would really help me with my research. Also, I would like to state that
our approach is *not* based on the min-cut/max-flow algorithm, so it does
not suffer with many of its drawbacks. Right now my current job is to deal
with soft segmentation in an attempt to cope with the transparency issue,
and we already have some good solutions.


Thiago Vallin Spina
MSc student
Laboratory of Visual Informatics
Institute of Computing -- Unicamp
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