On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Jay Smith <j...@jaysmith.com> wrote:
> On 03/09/2010 04:39 PM, Jon Senior wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 16:30:58 -0500
>> Jay Smith <j...@jaysmith.com> wrote:
>>> I am not sure where the "standard" that you mention comes from.  I had
>>> never seen black at bottom left (by default) until I started to use
>>> Gimp.
>>> Is there some actual scientific standard underlying that?  Or just
>>> majority of programs?  Or the programs you have used?  Or?
>>> Maybe the programs I have used in the past were backward.
>> I would suggest that they were. The "curves" are graphs plotting value
>> in (x) against value out(y). Traditionally a graph starting at 0 for
>> both axes would be drawn with the origin in the bottom-left.
>> This naturally leads to a curves graph where black (0) is in the
>> bottom-left and white (255/1023/...) is in the top-right.
>> What programs have you used where this situation was reversed?
>> Jon
> Jon,
> That is certainly possible.
> The one that most comes to mind is Photoshop 5.x.
> I have no idea what "modern" Photoshop and successors do.

White on the right, Same as GIMP, PSP, etc.
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