Hello folks,

I am trying to perform batch conversions of images, including scanned tifs
(multi-page), JPGs, and .CR2 raw files.

My workflow is as follows:
1) scan/acquire "raw" images to disk
2) batch convert to XCF
3) hand-edit selected XCFs
4) batch convert to flattened JPG/PNG/etc

I am working on a script-fu function for #2, but I'm seeing some odd

When I run the script against JPGs, it creates an XCF for each JPG, but all
of the XCFs have the content of the first JPG.  I assume I have a scoping
problem, or the image variables need to be deleted with each iteration of
the while loop, but I'm not having any luck.

My second issue is, when I run the script against my scanned 16-bit
multi-page TIFs, I get a batch execution failure when calling gimp-image

I haven't started working on the CR2 files yet.

Here is the code I'm using:

;**** START SCRIPT FU ****

(define (batch-save-as-xcf pattern)
  (let* (
      (filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))
 (gimp-message-set-handler 2)
(gimp-message "Preparing to act on the following files")
(gimp-message pattern)

(while (pair? filelist)
 ; set filename to the name of the current file in the glob
  (set! filename (car filelist))
  (gimp-message "The current file is: ")
          (gimp-message filename)

; set xcfname by tokenizing on "." and taking everything but the last part
  (set! fileparts (strbreakup filename "."))
  (set! fileparts (butlast fileparts))
  (set! xcfname (string-append (unbreakupstr fileparts ".") ".xcf"))
  (gimp-message "The new filename will be: ")
  (gimp-message xcfname)

; set image from the file, and then get the first layer and set it to
  (gimp-message "Loading File.")
  (set! image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
  (set! newimage (car (gimp-image-get-layers image)))

; set drawable to the newimage
  (gimp-message "Setting the Drawable.")
  (set! drawable (car (gimp-image-flatten newimage)))

; save the drawable from newimage as xcfname
  (gimp-message "Saving the new file.")
  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newimage drawable xcfname xcfname)

      (set! filelist (cdr filelist))

;**** END SCRIPT FU ****

When I execute it like this:

c:\test>gimp-2.6 -i -b "(batch-save-as-xcf \"c:\\test\\*.tif\")" -b
"(gimp-quit 0)"

I get this output:

script-fu.exe-Warning: Preparing to act on the following files
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\*.tif
script-fu.exe-Warning: The current file is:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\ArroyoSanJose-014.tif
script-fu.exe-Warning: The new filename will be:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\ArroyoSanJose-014.xcf
script-fu.exe-Warning: Loading File.

TIFF image-Warning: Warning:
The image you are loading has 16 bits per channel. GIMP can only handle 8
bit, s
o it will be converted for you. Information will be lost because of this

script-fu.exe-Warning: Setting the Drawable.

GIMP-Error: Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-flatten':
Procedure 'gimp-image-flatten' has been called with an invalid ID for
argument '
image'. Most likely a plug-in is trying to work on an image that doesn't
exist a
ny longer.

batch command experienced an execution error

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When I execute it like this:

c:\test>gimp-2.6 -i -b "(batch-save-as-xcf \"c:\\test\\*.jpg\")" -b
"(gimp-quit 0)"

I get this output:

script-fu.exe-Warning: Preparing to act on the following files
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\*.jpg
script-fu.exe-Warning: The current file is:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\019-Arroyo.jpg
script-fu.exe-Warning: The new filename will be:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\019-Arroyo.xcf
script-fu.exe-Warning: Loading File.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Setting the Drawable.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Saving the new file.
script-fu.exe-Warning: The current file is:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\022-Sunset.jpg
script-fu.exe-Warning: The new filename will be:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\022-Sunset.xcf
script-fu.exe-Warning: Loading File.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Setting the Drawable.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Saving the new file.
script-fu.exe-Warning: The current file is:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\024-Sunset.jpg
script-fu.exe-Warning: The new filename will be:
script-fu.exe-Warning: c:\test\024-Sunset.xcf
script-fu.exe-Warning: Loading File.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Setting the Drawable.
script-fu.exe-Warning: Saving the new file.
batch command executed successfully
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