Thanks Saulgoode, that worked!  It solved both of my problems.  Interesting.
 I'll have to puzzle through why it worked later, but now I'm on to my next

The reason I'm writing my own script-fu, rather than using Daves Batch
Processor, is that my TIF files are multi-page, and when I load the image
and flatten it to a drawable, I end up with both pages flattened into one
drawable.  I only want one of the pages (I think the first).

I need to find a way to select that page (which I assume is turned into a
layer when the TIF is loaded), and just set that layer to be my drawable.

Here's the script, as it's currently written (ignore the commented out lines
- I don't have any version control available to me, so this file is full of

(define (batch-save-as-xcf pattern)
  (let* (
      (filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))
 (gimp-message-set-handler 2)
(gimp-message "Preparing to act on the following files")
(gimp-message pattern)

(while (pair? filelist)
 ; set filename to the name of the current file in the glob
  (set! filename (car filelist))
  (gimp-message "The current file is: ")
      (gimp-message filename)

; set xcfname by tokenizing on "." and taking everything but the last part
  (set! fileparts (strbreakup filename "."))
  (set! fileparts (butlast fileparts))
  (set! xcfname (string-append (unbreakupstr fileparts ".") ".xcf"))
  (gimp-message "The new filename will be: ")
  (gimp-message xcfname)

; set image from the file, and then get the first layer and set it to
  (gimp-message "Loading File.")
  (set! newimage (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename
  ;(set! image (car (file-tiff-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
  ;(set! newimage (car (gimp-image-get-layers image)))

; set drawable to the newimage
  (gimp-message "Setting the Drawable.")
  (set! drawable (car (gimp-image-flatten newimage)))

; save the drawable from newimage as xcfname
  (gimp-message "Saving the new file.")
  (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newimage drawable xcfname xcfname)

  ;(gimp-image-delete image)
  ;(gimp-image-delete newimage)
      (set! filelist (cdr filelist))
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