On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Yottskry wrote:
> The sheer arrogance of the developers is astonishing. Essentially the attitude
> is that if you don't like the mindless changes they've made then you're simply
> not part of the target audience. Apparently GIMP is aimed at professionals.
> Fine, but that *isn't* the main user base, intended or not.
> The Save menu has behaved in a certain way since the year dot... now it's been
> changed on the assumption that most people use multi-layered XCF images. They
> don't. *Most* people use GIMP to edit a photo. Again, these people are not the
> intended "Professional" audience, but there you have it.
> I open images. I "export" them to JPG (despite the fact they were loaded from
> JPG in the first place...) and am then told "You have unsaved changes" when I
> try to quit. I don't have unsaved changes at all. I have saved them, possibly
> even over the original JPG image. There are no unsaved changes - all that's
> happened is that developer arrogance has increased my workflow.
> Such a shame. I guess you will eventually end up with the solely professional
> user base you crave. And you're too stubborn to even provide the correct
> behaviour as an alternative for those of us who have been using GIMP a certain
> way for 10+ years.
> The best thing that can happen to GIMP now is that the current developers all
> experience some sort of programming-related long term memory loss and the
> project can be taken over by people who care about what users think.

Yeah, sorry abouot the inconvinience, Yottskry, but it had to be done.

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