You know, when you put it that way, I have to concede your point. There are some things in future-GiMP which are more important than a UI change. (Though I dare say few as trivial as the UI change under discussion.)

But we, the users, aren't asking for something new. We're asking for something that was there but is no longer.

On 01/04/2014 02:54 PM, Burnie West wrote:
On 01/04/2014 04:17 AM, Simon Budig wrote:
qelvin5500 ( wrote:
*Creating pictures* is a job, developing a software to create these
picture is a different job.
Developing GIMP is a Hobby, not a Job.

Whether a job or a hobby, prioritizing effectively is probably *MOST* important.

In this regard, voluminous postings that are distracting and *UNNECESSARY* is *ALWAYS* counterproductive.

Any posting that starts "I understand that the developers are ---" is counterproductive.

The notion that the marvelously effective GIMP developers were unaware of the discomfort this UI change would produce was gainsaid in earlier postings in this and related threads; I would encourage all those who are fans of GIMP and would like to have the ever-changing developer group get on with their priorities: please back off and let them be. I *WANT* CMYK; I *WANT* high-bit-depth; I *WANT* more robust undo history; I *WANT* more intuitive UI; I *WANT* a smoother work flow; I *WANT* - - -

I will not mention what my priorities are, but I can understand that the large community of users is likely to have a large number of subgroups each of which would agree on a profoundly different set of priorities than many of the other subgroups.

I am reminded of a comedian's remark some decades ago: "I wish those people who can't communicate would SHUT UP ABOUT IT."

 -- Burnie

PS - I apologize for distracting any members of the worldwide GIMP community who dislike being bothered by threads like these - please forgive.
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