Øyvind Kolås <pip...@gimp.org> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Andrew_Bridget
> <andrew_brid...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> This is such a common task, there may be cause to have a Resize
>> option bundled with the Export command. Having to always perform
>> them as two separate steps is an annoyance, but the possibility of
>> accidentally saving the wrong resolution back to the XCF file is a
>> danger.
>> A question that asked late last year as I had a need to resize and
>> keep working on original. That's when I found the save for web had
>> been reinstated as 2.6.
> Part of the motivation for the save/export distinction in the first
> place is later being able to introduce such improvements to export
> workflows (as well as other neat things; like being able to choose
> between export presets, multiple named regions - and more). Without a
> clear conceptual internal seperation - such future improvements will
> be much harder.

I've been wanting a "scaled export" function myself … In the meanwhile,
http://shallowsky.com/blog/gimp/gimp-export-scaled.html works well.

It doesn't remember the last scale you used second time around, but it
does remember the format so you don't have to change xcf→jpg each time.

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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