I'm helping a friend of mine create a business card for a new business. 
I created the card in GIMP and it looks great!  The plan is to order
cards through VistaPrint.   Anyway, according to the VistaPrint website,
they recommend uploading designs in a CMYK mode.   Since I created my
card in GIMP, it's in RGB mode.

Would it be safe to convert my image from RGB to CMYK, using ImageMagick
for example, or should I recreate it using a different tool, like
Scribus?  I'm a Linux user.   Alternatively, I could send the image to a
friend who has PhotoShop and have her convert the image to CYMK mode for me.

Any thoughts or suggestions?




/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../
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