On 11/18/2016 08:27 PM, Tom Williams wrote:
> On 11/16/2016 12:44 AM, Simon Budig wrote:
>> Tom Williams (tomd...@comcast.net) wrote:
>>> I'm helping a friend of mine create a business card for a new business. 
>>> I created the card in GIMP and it looks great!  The plan is to order
>>> cards through VistaPrint.   Anyway, according to the VistaPrint website,
>>> they recommend uploading designs in a CMYK mode.   Since I created my
>>> card in GIMP, it's in RGB mode.
>> I'd recommend to not fiddle with it now. Vistaprint will do their own
>> conversion, which is likely to be better than your conversion, since
>> they do know their own processes.
>> In fact I had lots of "fun" some time ago, where I absolutely sent them
>> a CMYK PDF file and they still fiddled with it, adding a little bit of
>> black to my vibrant yellow, resulting in quite dull colors...
>> Bye,
>>         Simon
> Thanks to both you, Simon, and Rick Strong for your comments.  I opted
> to "roll the bones" with the RGB PNG I created, using the VistaPrint
> template, and the site seemed happy with the resolution of the image. 
> The previews on the site looked good so I'm keeping my fingers crossed
> that the image prints well.
> Thanks again!
> Tom
Well, the business cards have been printed and they look
fan-flippin-tastic!!!!   They actually came out much, much better than I
expected and my friend *loves* them!   Thanks again for the help and
Thanks to the GIMP developers for producing such awesome software!  :)



/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../
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