>They are all going to be too small. Truthfully you need to start
>If it is any consolation this is a very common beginner issue.
>Starting work / importing images on a canvas that is way too small for
>quality printing. The PDF default 100 ppi is something to look out for
>in this instance. Default canvas 72 ppi is the other. You need to look
>at the Image size in pixels rather than some stated size in inches/cm
>Quality printing rule-of-thumb is 300 ppi although for large prints,
>posters etc, smaller ppi values are used, the value depending on size
>and distance of viewing.
>rich: www.gimp-forum.net

thanks for your excellent help. So is it ok for me to have the old 100ppi
project open at the same time the 300ppi new imported template is open and then
just at least copy and paste the raw text over?

GerryPeters (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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