>When I check the 'about' menu item, I see that I am running Gimp
>When I check Ubuntu's software area, it lists Gimp 2.10.8-2.  I assume
>that is
>an old version, but wonder why it would be there instead of 2.10.18.
>. . . and, if I have 2.10.18 on my machine, I'm wondering how it got
>there, as I
>only install Gimp from the Ubuntu software area.
>Maybe this is a question for the Ubuntu forum, but I am checking here
>in hopes
>that someone can inform me.

Ubuntu is based on Debian and the default Gimp version comes from the Debian

Guessing you use Ubuntu 19.10  based on Debian 10 and hence Gimp 2.10.8 is the

If you have a Gimp 2.10.18 it is a 'snap' version from the so-called ubuntu
software centre.

The problem with snap applications is they are 'self-contained' & 'sandboxed'
and can be limited if you ever intend to use any extra compiled plug-ins or
external RAW editors such as Rawtherapee or Darktable.

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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List address:    gimp-user-list@gnome.org
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