On Wed, 2020-09-30 at 12:58 -0400, Ruben Safir wrote:
>   With JPGs, you can't just
> remove the EXIF data without reprocessing the entire image. 
You can if you use software tht does it such as jpegtran or exiftool.

> But that has lead me another issue, and this is ration serious.  It
> is
> easier to so than tell:

>   icc:copyright: Public Domain

This means the ICC colour profile embedded in the image is inthe public
domain, not the actual image.

> When I resize images now, I am left with an Layer or
> Canvas that is still the original size and I have to manually flatten
> the image. 

How *EXACTLY* are you resizing the image? This does not happen here.

Lia,(slave ankh)

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