On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 11:16 PM Jacques Le Fèvre via gimp-user-list wrote:

Dear Jacques, I can def weigh in on some of your points but I'm of no
help regarding 2.4 builds. Sorry about that.

> - The freehand selection tool: I need it very much to correct defects on
> scanned slides. See attached example.
> Closing the selected area on GIMP 2.4 takes only a release of the mouse
> button. On GIMP 2.10, you need reaching the very pixel you started from,

Nope, you can release the mouse button and press Enter.

> - The text tool: On GIMP 2.4, you can directly and continuously adjust
> the font size so that it fits to the background. On GIMP 2.10, you have
> to adjust the size of the layer.

Nope, you only need to select the text and adjust the font size in the
on-canvas toolbar.

> I have produced this picture:
> http://merleblanc-brest.org/images/planmax.jpg
> on the laptop with GIMP 2.4. Because of the drawbacks, both with the
> freehand selection tool and the text tool, it would have been
> unpractical to perform the task with GIMP 2.10.

Neither v2.4 nor v2.10 are practical choices for this sort of thing,
the reason being, both versions rasterize a text layer once you rotate
it. Inkscape would be a vastly better tool for this.

The text tool definitely needs revisiting but it simply doesn't have
the problem you are describing.

> - Saving pictures: With GIMP 2.10, this can be done only to .xcf, which
> is recognised by no other software, so that such images cannot be used
> on the web or included in documents. In addition, this flavour of .xcf
> is not recognised by earlier versions of GIMP. You have to export the
> final result of editing to other formats, and this does not always work
> properly to TIFF files.

Please elaborate on the TIFF issue.

> file (TIFF from my scanners). In addition, the colour space in GIMP 2.4
> is the same as on my scanners, which is not the case in GIMP 2.10.

I'm guessing you are referring to sRGB there. I can't see how GIMP
2.10 is not capable of handling it properly. Please elaborate.

> - CTRL-F: In GIMP 2.4, it repeats the last filter, in GIMP 2.10 it
> repeats the last tool with the same settings,

There is no such thing as "repeating the last tool" in GIMP. Please clarify.

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