On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 11:46:33PM +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine via 
gimp-user-list wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 11:16 PM Jacques Le Fèvre via gimp-user-list wrote:
> Dear Jacques, I can def weigh in on some of your points but I'm of no
> help regarding 2.4 builds. Sorry about that.

Just commenting on one of the original points -
> > - Saving pictures: With GIMP 2.10, this can be done only to .xcf, which
> > is recognised by no other software, so that such images cannot be used
> > on the web or included in documents. In addition, this flavour of .xcf
> > is not recognised by earlier versions of GIMP. You have to export the
> > final result of editing to other formats, and this does not always work
> > properly to TIFF files.

My memory says that the change from 'Save As' (for non-xcf) to
'Export' happened in 2.6 or 2.8.  So coming from a very early 2.4
build this will be one of many things which has changed.  Getting
accustomed to the changes sometimes takes some effort.

For me, I finish the editing in gimp, and then export to jpg or png
without problems.  If I then decide that the edit was not correct, I
have to go back and fix it in gimp.  It sounds as if you are already
doing that, the changed terminology encourages you to think about
what you are doing (work on the image, or save a version of the
image in a publishable format).

> Please elaborate on the TIFF issue.

I remember coming across tiff files which caused messages on stderr
(don't recall what I was doing, or what had created them).  TIFF has
been described as 'thousands of incompatible file formats'.

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error
code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and
stout.     -- rfc 2324 (1st April 1998)

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