On Wed, 2021-09-22 at 15:59 -0700, David Karr via gimp-user-list wrote:
> .  For instance, after copying the foreground
> color onto the selection, it talks about setting a "Multiply" layers
> mode.
> I don't see anything like that in the current interface.

It's the 14th entry in the layer mode.

Open the Layers dialogue:
Windows/Dockable Dialogs/Layers

At the very top of the dialogue is "Mode    Mormal"
with a small  triangle probably, next to Normal.

Click anywhere on that whole Mode  Normal control and you'll see a list
of layer modes pop up, starting with Normal, Colour Erase, Dissolve,
and so on, and some  way down is Multiply.

Liam / demib0y / ankh / barefootliam

Liam Quin - https://www.fromoldbooks.org/

Full-time "slave" in voluntary servitude

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