On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 10:41:19PM -0400, Rick Strong wrote:
> I guess I'm a "spaz" (quite a pejorative term, when you think about it)
> because I like non-destructive actions for when I come back to a file months
> later. I can undo the crop or the crap I have inflicted upon it. After 30
> years using this stuff I know about CTRL-Z but I never use histories.

What, you don't have your original image.

Your not a spaz.  That is not the word I would use.  I would suggest
that you think about what you are doing to users and stop breaking this

If you don't knw how to use histories then you don't know how to
properly use the GIMP.  You can reverse ANY experiment.

CROP MEANS CROP THE DAMN THING.  You crop it to make it smaller not a
CLUGE of invisable garbage

And fix the Save as well so that it works normally...

> Non-destruct does it for me.
> R
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