On Sunday 17 August 2003 2:09 pm, Gaillard Lee Johnson wrote:
> no convertng to rgb doesn't give me a 3d respresentation of my
> terrain as the 3dview does in terraform...thats what I need is a
> way to afix textures in a realtime way to the terrain..how else
> does one know where/how to apply the textures to say a rock face on
> point x,y on the terrain....

GIMP is a 22D painting program.

Therefore, it is not possible to do what you want.
You will have to either use the exported png heightfield, paint your 
texture over it in another layer, and them import it back on your 
terraforming program, or use another set of porgrans alltogether for 
the task you have in mind.

If Terraform cannot import a textureyou paint up in GIMP, you can 
preview it in POVRay instead.


> thx ;)
> lee
> -====
> Sven Neumann wrote:
> >On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 22:17, Gaillard Lee Johnson wrote:
> >>hi..
> >>
> >>  I am trying to texture ( for game development) a heightfield
> >> that I made in terraform [ can only export like tga or png for
> >> gimp]( 3d) and load into gimp.  I can load it into gimp but its
> >> greyscale and only 2d which isn't going to help me with
> >> texturing 3d objects on the terrain..any ideas?
> >
> >What about mapping a gradient on it? Convert to RGB and apply
> >Filters->Colors->Map->Gradient Map. Is that what you are looking
> > for?
> >
> >
> >Sven


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