
Thanks for pursuing this with me.

# rpm -qa | grep gtk+

The results:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gimp-1.3.23]# rpm -qa | grep gtk+

But when I changed it from _gtk+_ to _rpm -qa | grep gtk2_ I got the following :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] gimp-1.3.23]# rpm -qa | grep gtk2

Notice how _GTK+ 2.2.4_ becomes _gtk2-2.2.1-4_. Could this be where my system is getting gtk 2.2.1??

If that didn't work, then there's a config somewhere that's still saying
there's a GTK+-2.2.1 somewhere. I have another idea... REinstall
GTK+2.2.1, then uninstall it. Then reinstall (just make install in the
source tree you compiled GTK+-2.2.4 in, if you still have the sources
compiled (ie. didn't delete the dirs or run make clean yet)). And see if
that helps.

Before I throw in the towel and go back to Photoshop, I just want to understand what my _/etc/ld.so.conf_ should look like. Mine has the following...


I would think it should be in /opt/lib/gtk+-2.2.4/lib instead?


Rest of this looks good to me.

If you really really want to run PhotoShop, you can in linux using WINE (www.winehq.org). Runs slower but works - at least PS LE 5 worked
for me. However, I would rather use Gimp, personally.

You can still use Gimp 1.2.x but the new 2.0pre1 is really nice. :)

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