> > I have been trying to write some scripts to automate tasks but find
> > that I have some trouble using scheme.  Although I am experienced
> > in other languages I find scheme quite difficult to master as I
> > can't seem to find any language references.  There are lots of
> > tutorials and samples showing how to create scripts but nothing
> > that I could find that actually describes the language, functions
> > available, etc.
> >

The big problem w/ Gimp's scheme is that they use a version that is not
really respected by anyone and that's horribly out-of-date.  I think they
did that in the spirit of keeping things simple, but it's horribly

Scheme is one of the most ingenious languages around.  I'll be describing
some of its more interesting features this coming year in several IBM
DeveloperWorks articles.  Unfortunately, many of these features aren't
available on GIMP's scheme.

For learning scheme as a language, some good books are:

Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days (available on the web somewhere)
How to Design Programs
Simply Scheme

a more advanced introduction, which every serious programmer should read
sometime in their life, is

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

In addition, the scheme standard is only 50 pages, and is a pretty easy
read.  You can get it online at schemers.org or a hardcopy from my website
at http://www.cafepress.com/bartlettpublish.9174125

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