
I wonder if someone could help me with this problem I'm having using the 
'system' command in a scheme file.

    ; launch system call to copy image to our www directory on ldad
    (set! command (string-append "/usr/bin/scp " SRCFilename " " 
    (system command)
    ; Close out the image
    (gimp-display-delete Image)
    (delete-file SRCFilename)

The first system call gives this error:

  Error while executing
  (script-fu-Send-to-Web 1 "web-image.png")
  ERROR: unbound variable (errobj system)

The 'delete-file' call gives this error:

  Error while executing
  (script-fu-Send-to-Web 1 "web-image.png")
  ERROR: unbound variable (errobj delete-file)

Below is the complete bit of code:

 (define RemoteImageDir "ls1:/home/tony/testdir/")

    (script-fu-Send-to-Web Image Filename)
    ; the directory our file will be saved in
    (set! SRCFilename (string-append "/tmp/" Filename))
    ; scale the image to our optimum web size
    (set! width (car (gimp-image-width Image)))
    (set! height (car (gimp-image-height Image)))
    (if (> width 470)
            (set! newHeight (/ (* 470 height) width))
            (gimp-image-scale Image 470 newHeight)
    ; add a drop shadow
    (set! drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable Image)))
    (script-fu-drop-shadow Image drawable 8.0 8.0 15.0 '(0 0 0) 80.0 TRUE)
    ; save as png file to local drive
    (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers Image 0)
    (set! drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable Image)))
    (file-png-save2 RUN-NONINTERACTIVE Image drawable SRCFilename 
Filename 1 9 0 0 0 1 1 0 0)
    ; launch system call to copy image to our www directory on ldad
    (set! command (string-append "/usr/bin/scp " SRCFilename " " 
    (system command)
    ; Close out the image
    (gimp-display-delete Image)
    (delete-file SRCFilename)
    ; Let user know it's online
    (gimp-message "Cool!  Your picture is online.  You may now include 
it in a 'Top News of the Day' article.")

 ; Register the function with the GIMP:
    "<Toolbox>/NWS/Send To Web"
    "Scales the image to 500px width and saves it to www images rsync 
directory on LDAD."
    "Tony Freeman"
    "2007, National Weather Service"
    "March 06, 2007"
    "RGB* GRAY*"
    SF-IMAGE    "The Image"    0
    SF-STRING    "File Name"    "web-image.png"

Any help would be appreciated.

-- Tony

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