On Sunday 11 March 2007 01:25, Tony Freeman wrote:
> OK, I found this site ... I'll be studying this for a while :-)
> http://developer.gimp.org/plug-in-template.html

You really be better trying out pythhon scripts first.

Only if you intend to perform image processing  - like performign some 
algorithm on a pixel by pixel basis you'd have some advantage 
writting a plug-in in C nowadays.

The URL you did not find is:

Also, take a look at the example plug-instahtcome withthe GIMP, anbd 
try some python commands at the python console.
Onm the python console, btw, start with:

from gimpfu import *
img = gimp.list_images()[0]

now you have your first image open in the gimp as a python object 
named "img", and you can do :

dir (img)  

(for example:
 img.scale (img.width * 0.5, img.height * 0.5)

to see the methods and properties available.

Under the module pdb you have all the procedural database api, which 
you can browse with <xtns>->Procedure Browser,as in:

pdb.gimp_drawable_fill (img.layers[0], FOREGROUND_FILL)

(followed by gimp.displays_flush() to see the effect)
all procedure names use  "_" instead of "-", and ignore (do not pass) 
"interactive/non-interactive" parameters.

Now if you know that:
1) python blocks like procedure bodys, if blocks, for loop blocks are
   delimited only by intendation level, and statements that accept    
   blocks end with a collon
2) The python for statement iterates over a list, and if you want
   numbers, use the "xrange" built-in function like:
for i in xrange(1,11):
   print i
3) it is easier if you copy the call to the "register" function from
   an existing script and just update the entries for your case

you are ready for python scripting.

But, if you want to create a custom gtk+ interface instead of the 
script-fu like automathed dialog, it is also possible - again, check 
the docs and examples.


> -- Tony
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