Em 2007/05/28, às 09:03, Stephan Hegel escreveu:

Is it possible to support the Mac platform, too? That would be really cool... :)

Ok, ok... :)

Well, what I was meaning about support is something different. The latest GIMP binary (GIMP.app) available for Mac is version 2.2.11, wich is... hmmm... about 9 months old. There is a significant lag, I think. The available Windows binary is only 1 month old.

Isn't it possible to make GIMP binaries available for several platforms, like those we can find in other opensource projects like OpenOffice.org, Mozilla/Firefox, Inkscape or Blender?

Excuse me if this is a silly question, but it just that I really miss that as a GIMP user, and maybe there are many other GIMP users like me that would like to have the latest GIMP version shining in their Macs. A friend of mine was not able to get GIMP working in a recent MacBook Pro (Core 2 Duo). Appearently the latest Gimp.app is getting too old and should be updated.

However, please don't take my words as unthankfull critics. I am using Gimp.app and I am very happy to be able to use it. The people who made it available made a good job and I thank them for it.

Victor Domingos

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