The GIMP Select tools have several modes including an additive mode which
allows you to add a selection area to your current selection area, a
difference mode which allows you to select the difference of two selections
or subtract an area from a current selection (which sounds kind of like what
you want, and an intersection mode, which allows to to make one selection,
then using the select tool, select an intersecting area and take the
intersection of the two selections as the final selection (which also may be
what you're looking for).


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Adrian Dusa <> wrote:

>  Dear all,
> I'm a Gimp newbie, using it for a long time but at an amateur level.
> I have the following (hopefully simple) problem: given two rectangles with
> a common border, is there a way to select the region *inside* one rectangle
> (to fill it with another color), without affecting the contents of the other
> rectangle?
> I attached a .png file just for illustration, I hope attachments are
> allowed.
> The problem is of course simplified, in the real problem I have different
> shapes for each rectangle (but still with comon borders, like in maps).
> Thanks for any hint,
> Adrian
> --
> Adrian Dusa
> Romanian Social Data Archive
> 1, Schitu Magureanu Bd.
> 050025 Bucharest sector 5
> Romania
> Tel.:+40 21 3126618 \
> +40 21 3120210 / int.101
> Fax: +40 21 3158391
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Nathan Lane

<<attachment: Selection Tool Modes - GIMP.png>>

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