At 10:58 AM 1/20/2011, Chris Mohler wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Ray Tayek <> wrote:
> > oh, it's python (didn't know that gimp ate python).
> >
> > i will try some python. don't see any python-fu under filters though.
> >
> > are the conversion options documented anywhere?
>Are you on Windows?  You'll need to install python support for GIMP if so:

yes, i am on windows, thanks for the link.

>Most procedures can be found in the Procedure Browser - type 'eps' in
>the search field.
>Also - I second the recommendation of David's Batch Processor, if you
>cannot get imagemagick to do the trick.  That was the script whose
>name escaped me ;)

i will look at that also.



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