On Monday, January 31, 2011 01:55:20 pm Jernej Simončič did opine:

> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:39:06 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Oh oh, he's been drinking the koolaid.  What we FOSS people are
> > objecting to is the WGA that gets installed with SP2 I believe it
> > was, and this thing does phone home on every reboot to check if its a
> > legally purchased and registered copy, AND that it is running on the
> > same hardware it was originally installed on.
> WGA is a separate update, and you don't need to install it (while it is
> among the auto-install updates, you can tell Windows to never install
> it, and even if you forget that, it will not actually install unless
> you explicitly agree - it displays a license on next boot, and if you
> choose "Do not agree", and click Next and then Cancel, it won't bother
> you again).

Yup, and some things will never work right again. BTDTBTTS.  And that was 
put in place only after M$ phone lines were tied up for months, from honest 
people objecting to being screwed.
> > Change a hard drive because it went face down in
> > the pool, and you have to buy _another_ copy of windows.
> Don't spread lies - 

I am not lying, and I resent the accusation.  That exact scenario I 
described happened to me.  Before the days of cheap long distance, I 
probably ran the phone bill up $200 arguing with them.  Because that 
machine wasn't exactly a utility machine but specially programmed for a CBS 
networking email application that actually got its input data from the 
VITS/Teletext, and its downtime was costing us about that much a day 
anyway, I relented and bought another copy of NT-3.51.  About 3 months 
later the drive went face down in the pool, and I made CBS image me another 
drive and send it out, turned out to be much simpler and a weeks faster way 
to get it going again.  At that point neither of us had a quarter to call 
someone and see if it was legal.

> first, if you have an OEM copy of Windows (that was
> pre-installed by a major computer manufacturer), it'll never deactivate
> (as long as you keep the motherboard), because it only checks the
> license in BIOS. If you have a non-branded OEM copy or a retail
> version, you'll at worst have to call the activation centre (but this
> is only needed in rare circumstances - usually Windows will just
> activate automatically, assuming some time has passed since last
> activation). While it's not legal to move an OEM copy from one computer
> to another, you can even do that, since there's no real way to tell you
> did it (unless let WGA install, and you use Windows on both computers).
> There's no restrictions

I wouldn't know today.  The last copy of XP I bought on a laptop 5 years 
ago, and wiped it when I did my 2nd linux install 4 years ago.  There are 
no other windows machines on the premises.

> > And if someone
> > publishes a way to defeat this "feature", they find a DMCA take down
> > notice from M$ the next day.
> Doing a google search would suggest otherwise.

Then why are such utilities so hard to find?  And I rest my case, I should 
have just STFU in the first place.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
I must have slipped a disk -- my pack hurts!
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